We are GetInvesty

Getinvesty is a platform that helps individuals understand the definition of entrepreneur and investor so that they can build or start their talent as one or both of them.

A simple explanation is that both investors and entrepreneurs are investors, but they invest in different ways. An investor invests the most money, but entrepreneurs invest the most time and money to get their business up and running and profitable, therefore investors approach entrepreneurs with money by investing in their ideas, which are more likely to have already been turned into a monetized product.The goal of an investor is to make money by putting money into things like real estate, financial plans, etc.

An investor is a person or group (like a business or mutual fund) that puts money into something with the hope of making money.
Most people think of an investor when they think of someone who takes part in the stock market.

Investors are people who buy stock in a company because they think it will do well in the future and want to keep it for a long time.

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Why do people make investments?

  • Investing is a good way to put your money to work and maybe make more money.
  • If you make smart investments, your money may grow in value faster than inflation.
  • The main reasons why investments can grow faster are the power of compounding and the trade-off between risk and return.